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Over the past year, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan purchased 57 real estate properties in Turkey

Over the past year, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan purchased 57 real estate properties in Turkey

In 2013, Kazakhstan will be one of the five countries whose residents are the most active in purchasing real estate in Turkey. According to analysts, about 500 apartments will be sold to Kazakhstanis this year. “Currently, there are all the prerequisites for this, the necessary laws have been adopted, and the residents of Kazakhstan are interested in real estate in the country,” explained Alexandra Sokolova , manager of one of the Turkish developers in Kazakhstan.

Over the past year, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan purchased 57 real estate properties in Turkey. As you know, since August last year, Kazakhstanis have been allowed to buy real estate in Turkey everywhere, except on the Black Sea coast. “Today, citizens of Kazakhstan can purchase real estate for an individual with a residence permit for all first-line family members of the owner. To obtain a residence permit, you must present a TAPU (certificate of ownership of real estate), a passport and a questionnaire to the Turkish embassy,” clarified Alexandra Sokolova . Registration of TAPU is carried out exclusively in personal presence in Turkey.

In general, in 2012, investors from 183 countries purchased 2,578 Turkish real estate properties, the total area of ​​which is 1,162 thousand square meters.
m. Most of the real estate in Turkey was purchased by German citizens; 561 Germans own 775 Turkish real estate properties with a total area of ​​789 thousand square meters. m. The top three also include the British and Russians. Citizens of the Russian Federation own 416 apartments in Turkey, and citizens of Great Britain own 365 properties.

Since 2010, housing prices in Turkey have increased by 10%. Currently the cost per 1 sq. m of housing within the first coastline averages 1500-2000 euros. In this case, the tax will be from 50 to 100 euros, depending on the cadastral value of the property. While utilities per year for new residents will cost 380-500 euros.

“Türkiye is attractive as a real estate investment. After all, buying an apartment will pay off in 4-7 years. For example, in Bulgaria, the cost of housing within the coastline ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 euros per square meter, and in Turkey these figures are two times lower,” explained Ms. Sokolova .
Moreover, experts believe that it is necessary to invest in real estate in Turkey right now. After all, in a couple of years, Turkey plans to join the eurozone, then real estate prices will be equal to European ones.



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