Real estate in Turkey

Apartment complex 1+1 in Kocahasanli, Erdemli - SERKOC11

Apartment complex 1+1 in Kocahasanli, Erdemli - SERKOC11

The complex of apartments in Kojhasanli, Erdemi
the complex consists of one block of
a number of storeys 5 (-1, zero+3 floors)
apartment 1+1
house rented
to the sea 150 m
area 1+1 48 m2 gross, 52 m2 gross
, dignity, bedroom With a French balcony, a salon with a terrace,
conclusions for air conditioning
are wiring for gas heating (area in the future of gasification)
a kitchen set with a stone countertop
furniture and san. Technique in the dignity of
the floor - a laminate
San Sun. In a tile,
painting walls with waterproof wooden
interior doors
metal entrance door
Double windows PVC
on the floor of 7 apartments, 2 elevators, stairs
price from 49,000 euros
when buying a post -sales service as a gift !!!!

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