
Bus flights from Rostov-on-Don to Alany

Bus flights from Rostov-on-Don to Alany

Since March 15, the Turkish transport company LUKS YILMAZ starts bus flights from Rostov-on-Don to Alanya. Flights will be held every week, and travel time will be about two days. The cost of the ticket is $ 110, including the transportation of 35 kg of baggage and hand luggage. Passengers will be offered hot drinks, water and free Wi-Fi during the trip.

On the way, stops are provided every 3-4 hours for 30-40 minutes, which will allow passengers to relax and have a bite. The route passes through cities such as Krasnodar, Vladikavkaz, Batumi, Trabzon, Samsun, Ankara and Mersin. Tickets can be purchased directly from the carrier.

This route is not suitable for those who are in a hurry, but for lovers of long travels with beautiful views, this is a great choice.

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